By Ton Bijlaart / Associate Partner Skyne

Entrepreneurs are well aware of the necessity for continuous improvement in order to maintain competitiveness and run a successful and profitable business. In addition, branding is critical to business due to its overall impact on the company. It has the power to change perceptions of the brand, drive new business and increase brand awareness. Consumers get to know and recognise your company by way of branding. A partner like Skyne is capable of providing your business with stunning branding solutions, ready to be integrated in day to day business.

The execution and success of this, however, depends on whether your team is fully capable of supporting this change and fulfilling the additional tasks. Usually this is not the case and the investment can only be partly utilised if expert support is not involved.

Skyne understands the challenges and the need for expert support and have, therefore, turned to me. They wish to complete the business change process and successfully integrate the services delivered in daily operations.

Change is the first step to improving a business. Questions such as: “What is my true competitive differentiator” and “how do I present this to the right audience” are key, however, may not be a part of core competences at the present moment in a company. Development of the sales strategy and the relevant training that follows is a topic that requires a clear and expert focus. Our objective is to make your team feel comfortable whilst they adapt to the new way of working. To achieve the desired end goal in which you enjoy rapid and sustainable growth whilst your workforce is both motivated and confident, a competent sales team and clear sales materials are necessary.

An increase in sales will result in an increase in production. This could be solved by immediately growing the workforce to cover additional market needs. A better method to tackling this problem, nevertheless, is to uncover methods to improve production by making it both more efficient and leaner. Questions to be asked include how the speed of manufacturing can be accelerated, or the process can be simplified without this effecting the product functionality or quality. These questions are essential yet are not often considered within companies. To achieve successful production and logistical improvements a simple and unambiguous record of the manufacturing processes must be developed. Training the production workforce their tasks and establishing a common understanding as to what a “good product” is will result in an efficient and motivated team. Enlarging the workforce is often not the single possible answer.

With the right support from leaders within the organisation and professional support from experts aiding the process, the change that can be achieved is astonishing.

‘My background in the field of logistics, operations and change management I am perfectly able to support your company in realising the goals set at the start of the project.’
– Ton Bijlaart, Associate Partner Skyne
‘The strength of our partnership foster collaboration and allows us to offer services and solutions that help our customers become more successful.’

– Dennis de rond, Founder Skyne

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